Carola Bauckholt / Orchestra |
Hubschrauber (2001/2002) - - 4perc - ISMN M-50039-232-3 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-732-8 |
Atempause (2000/2001) - - hp, 3perc - ISMN M-50039-222-4 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-722-9 |
Kurbel und Wolke (1997) - 2.4.1 - 3 perc, hp - - tape ISMN M-50039-186-9 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-686-4 |
offen und beweglich (1992) - - hp, pf, 3 perc - ISMN M-50039-138-8 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-638-3 |
Carola Bauckholt / String Ensemble |
Doina (1996) voice and string orchestra Countertenor - ISMN M-50039-161-6 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-661-1 |
Balsam (1990) strings ( ISMN M-50039-068-8 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-568-3 |
Carola Bauckholt / Chamber Ensemble - mixed |
Geräuschtöne (2002) vn, vc, perc ISMN M-50039-254-5 |
streicheln (2001) fl, cl, bn, hn, trbn, vc, db, pf, perc ISMN M-50039-230-9 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-730-4 |
Ich muß mit Dir reden (2000) fl, cl, vn, va, vc, db, pf, perc ISMN M-50039-218-7 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-718-2 |
vertraute Rätsel (1995/96) Video, fl, cl, vn, va, vc, db, pf, perc ISMN M-50039-140-1 |
rental material and Video ISMN M-50039-640-6 |
Treibstoff (1995) fl, cl, vn, va, vc, db, pf, perc ISMN M-50039-139-5 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-639-0 |
In gewohnter Umgebung III (1994) vc, perc, video ISMN M-50039-132-6 |
rental material (video) ISMN M-50039-632-1 |
Luftwurzeln (1994) fl, cl, va, vc ISMN M-50039-131-9 |
Klarinettentrio (1993) cl, vc, pf ISMN M-50039-129-6 |
Geräusche (1992) 2 perc ISMN M-50039-201-9 |
mehr oder weniger (1991) fl, ob, cl, perc, pf, vn, va, vc, db ISMN M-50039-075-6 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-575-1 |
In gewohnter Umgebung I (1991) perc duo, objects and slides projection. (scenical and concertant version) ISMN M-50039-099-2 |
rental material (slides) ISMN M-50039-599-7 |
erinnern vergessen (1990/91) fl, bn, vc, db, perc, objects, slides projection, tape ISMN M-50039-096-1 |
rental material with slides and tape ISMN M-50039-596-6 |
erinnern vergessen (1990/91) concert version: fl, bn, vc, db, perc, ISMN M-50039-098-5 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-598-0 |
langsamer als ich dachte (1990) vc, perc and slides projection ISMN M-50039-074-9 |
rental material (slides) ISMN M-50039-574-4 |
Quintett (1989) variable instrumentation ISMN M-50039-055-8 |
Trio (1988/89) 2 vc, pf ISMN M-50039-056-5 |
zwei Trichter (1987/88) fl, bn, tpt, tba, 4 perc, e-guitar, va ISMN M-50039-052-7 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-552-2 |
Die faule Vernunft (1986/87) Hörspiel 2 hn, db, 4 perc, 2 speaking voices ISMN M-50039-022-0 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-522-5 |
Polizeitrieb (1985) 2 perc ISMN M-50039-021-3 |
Carola Bauckholt / Winds |
Nestwärme (2000) 3b-rec ISMN M-50039-221-7 |
Maulwurf (1993) 2 bn, contrabassoon, tape ISMN M-50039-130-2 |
rental material und tape ISMN M-50039-630-7 |
Zopf (1992/94) fl, ob, cl ISMN M-50039-114-2 |
3 Sätze für Blechbläserquintett (1989) 2 tpt, hn, trbn, tba ISMN M-50039-095-4 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-595-9 |
Hornduo (1986/87) 2 hn ISMN M-50039-035-0 |
Carola Bauckholt / Strings |
Kugel (2002/2003) 3 vc , tape ISMN M-50039-253-8 |
Cellotrio (2002) 3 vc ISMN M-50039-254-5 |
Streichtrio (1994) vn, va, vc ISMN M-50039-135-7 |
sottovoce (1988) 2 vc ISMN M-50039-053-4 |
Carola Bauckholt / Solo Instruments |
Gegenwind (2004) organ ISMN M-50039-256-9 |
Polsch (1989) pf ISMN M-50039-060-2 |
Carola Bauckholt / Solo Voice |
Emil (2003) voice solo ISMN M-50039-255-2 |
Die Alte (2001) voice solo ISMN M-50039-231-6 |
nein allein (1999/2000) soprano, mezzosoprano, alto, countertenor, bariton, bass ISMN M-50039-200-2 |
Carola Bauckholt / Voice and Instruments |
Duett (2003) S-voice, a fl ISMN M-50039-252-1 |
Pumpe (1994) voice, accordeon, pf, lights, tape ISMN M-50039-134-0 |
rental material (tape) ISMN M-50039-534-5 |
Schraubdichtung (1989/90) voice (speaking), contrabassoon, vc and perc ISMN M-50039-061-9 |
Wortanfall (1986) speaking voice, countertenor, hp, viola da gamba, db, 2 hn, xylophone and timp ISMN M-50039-036-7 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-536-2 |
Carola Bauckholt / Music Theatre |
Es wird sich zeigen (1998) 3 voices, perc, string quartet ISMN M-50039-188-3 |
Stachel der Empfindlichkeit (1997/98) 2 voices (mezzosoprano, countertenor), 3 vc, 4 perc, tape, video ISMN M-50039-187-6 |
rental material (tape and v ideo) ISMN M-50039-687-1 |
In gewohnter Umgebung II (1993) 5 actors, lights, objects, cl, vc, pf ISMN M-50039-115-9 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-615-4 |
Das klagende Leid (1985) szenische Ballade 5 bandoneons, vn, va, vc, db, tba, some players, tape ISMN M-50039-009-1 |
rental material and tape ISMN M-50039-509-6 |
Der gefaltete Blick (1984) szenische Kantate 2 voices, vc ISMN M-50039-008-4 |
grave (1982) singing actor and tape (voice, bandoneon, vn) ISMN M-50039-007-7 |
rental material ISMN M-50039-507-2 |